COVID-19 forces us to limit activities outside the home and even refrain from traveling to public places. Most at home will also cause their own stress. How to cope with stress during the COVID-19 pandemic is needed to keep the body and mental healthy. For example, by applying a healthy lifestyle and entertaining yourself. Let's see more how to control stress in the pandemic that never ends!
The outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) around the world, especially Indonesia, is not unnatural if people feel increasing stress, anxiety, and panic. This is because the outbreak never ends which makes people have to be at home with an uncertain time.
Over time, stress increases and affects you and your family both physically and mentally. To overcome this condition, it is important to take steps that you can do at home.
Here's how to deal with stress during a pandemic: 1. Maintaining a Healthy Diet
Stress during pandemics can affect the body's eating habits and metabolism. The best way to combat stress or emotional eating (food as a way to cope with emotions) is to pay attention to what triggers stress eating and be prepared to fight those urges.
If you are a person who is prone to emotional eating, it is best to know the triggers and what stresses you out. Ensuring healthy snacks will help nourish the body, which is able to protect the body with nutrients to cope with stress better.
Helping to regulate blood sugar throughout the day will also make the body condition remain stable and emotions better. Exercising regularly
Although while the gym is closed due to activity restrictions, it is still possible to do aerobic exercise at home, such as walking, running, hiking, or playing with children or pets, all of which can help release endorphins. It is a natural substance that helps it feel better and maintains positive energy.
There are other exercises you can do with the young inside the house, for example yoga and stretching. This exercise as one way to train the body and calm the mind, so it is right to be one way to cope with stress during a pandemic. Reduce Exposure to COVID-19 News
While it's important to stay informed about the latest news and developments, especially COVID-19, continued exposure to news can be bad for you.
Therefore, find a balance of news exposure that works for you. It's also very important for children. You need to limit media exposure and provide information that is appropriate for the child's age.
Access health news only from reliable sources and must check again when getting a news. Whenever possible, look for ways to cope with stress in times of pandemics, perhaps with activities that are more enjoyable for families.
4. Stay connected with OthersAlso Read: 10 New Variants of Coronavirus (COVID-19) to Watch Out for!
How important your relationships are with others during pandemic times that make people vulnerable to stress. Fear and isolation can lead to depression and anxiety. Therefore, how to overcome the stress caused by pandemics by staying connected to others regularly.
It's a good idea to reach family members, friends, and colleagues regularly over the phone or other virtual platforms. Make sure you check on those who are alone at home, such as friends or neighbors. Also check regularly with your parents, grandparents, and children. Sleep and rest enough
Information or news that is always changing can trigger stress, this condition is increasing when you do not get enough sleep. So, nowadays it is very important to get enough sleep. This is to help stay focused on work and manage the stress that can be caused during an outbreak.
While at home, avoid stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine, and smoking before going to bed. If you still feel too stressed to sleep, try to consider developing a bedtime routine, such as taking a warm bath or drinking caffeine-free herbal tea. Practicing Cleanliness Well
Even at home, stay extra vigilant and follow the precautions that have been advised by the government. Keep the floors in the house clean and clean hard surfaces regularly. Also make sure to shower every day and maintain a personal hygiene routine every day.
7. Finding Ways to Express YourselfAlso Read: 12 Vitamins for COVID-19 That Boost The Immune System
Whether by recording daily videos, keeping a journal, or by blogging, expressing yourself can help overcome your feelings that you may be bored at home alone.
As one way to relieve stress in times of pandemics, you may be able to write extensively or just one line a day, until you find the hobby that works best for you. This can avoid stress and give you something to look forward to every day. Limit social media use
Social media is a great way to connect with others when you're at home. On the other hand, social media can increase anxiety and stress with exposure to alarming information. Therefore, be careful with your social media use.
It's a good idea to consider turning off notifications, unfollowing or disabling anxiety-inducing accounts, turning off WhatsApp groups, and hiding posts and Facebook feeds that might overwhelm you. Doing Controlled Breathing
When feeling stressed or overwhelmed, your body performs a fight or flight response, is the body's response mechanism when dealing with stress.
This condition aims to help you respond to dangerous situations. But allowing the body to stay stressed for a long time (fight or flight response), which suppresses the digestive and immune systems, can have a devastating impact on health.
Therefore, doing controlled breathing is very important to prevent the condition. By slowing breathing and regulating oxygen intake, you can calm stress levels. It's best to do 3-5 minutes of controlled breathing every day, which becomes a daily routine in the morning or after work. Entertaining Yourself
Watching entertainment on television or streaming online can help relieve stress. If you have children at home, watching cartoons and other animated movies can keep kids entertained for hours at a time.
In addition to watching, do hobbies such as planting flowers if interested in gardening, or trying cake recipes and making other foods.
Another option is to play games in an app that lets you connect with friends. This way you will get face-to-face time with your friends and stay connected.
11. Get Professional HelpAlso Read: 10 Symptoms of New Coronavirus Variants You Need to Know!
If you feel overwhelmed and need professional support, there are many ways to relieve stress in times of pandemics. You can get help from a professional counselor or seek peer support.
In one session with a professional counselor, you can share personal experiences and empathy while focusing on individual strength, peace, and recovery. However, if you want to avoid in-person meetings, you can consider an online session.
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