As discussed earlier in Work Stress; Definition and Causal Factors, that there are three sources that can cause the onset of stress, namely Environmental Factors, Organizational Factors and Individual Factors. Stress at work can be prevented from arising and can be faced without getting a negative impact. Stress management is more than just
Overcome it, namely betajar overcome it in a regular and effective manner. It's almost as important to know what not to do and what to try. Some people with stress at work due to competition, often vent by working harder excessively. This is not an effective way that even produces nothing to solve the cause of stress, it will add to the problem even further. Before getting into more specific ways to deal with a particular stressor, some general guidelines should be taken into account to spur change and growth. Understanding basic principles, becomes an important part so that a person is able to design solutions to problems that arise, especially those related to the causes of stress in their relationships at work. In conjunction with the workplace, stress can arise on several levels, in line with the inability to work well in certain roles due to misunderstandings of superiors or subordinates. Or even from the cause of the absence of skills (especially management skills) to simply dislike someone with whom to work closely (Margiati, 1999: 76). Suprihanto et al (2003:63-64) say that from an organizational point of view, management may not worry if its employees experience mild stress. The reason is because at the level of stress, it will have a positive effect, because this will urge them to do the task better. But at high levels of stress or prolonged mild stress will make the employee's performance decrease. Mild stress may benefit the organization, but from an individual's point of view it is not desirable. Then management may think of assigning tasks that include mild stress for employees to provide encouragement for employees, but instead it will be perceived as pressure by the worker.
So the right approach is needed in managing stress, there are two approaches, namely the individual approach and the organizational approach.
1. Individualized Approach
An employee can try on his or her own to reduce their stress levels. Strategies that are individually quite effective, namely; Time management, physical exercise, relaxation exercises, and social support. With good time management, an employee can complete the task well, without the demands of hasty work. With physical exercise can improve the condition of the body to be more primed so that it is able to face the demands of heavy tasks. In addition, to reduce the sires faced by pcrlu workers carried out leisure activities. And as the last stratcgi to reduce stress is to bring friends, colleagues, family who will be able to provide support and advice for him.
2. Organizational approach
Some causes of stress are the demands of tasks and roles and organizational structures that are controlled by management, so those factors can be changed. Therefore the strategies that management may use to reduce employee stress are through selection and placement, goal setting, job design, participatory decision-making, organizational communication, and wellness programs. Through these strategies will cause employees to get jobs that are in accordance with their abilities and they work for the goals they want as well as healthy interpersonal relationships and treatment of physical and mental conditions. In general, occupational stress management strategies can be grouped into individual, organizational and social support coping strategies (Margiati, 1999:77-78):
1. Individual Handling Strategies
It is a strategy developed personally or individually. This individual strategy can be done in several ways, including:
a. Make changes in behavioral reactions or changes in cogtiitive reactions.
That is, if an employee feels he has an increase in tension, the employees should time out first. This way of time out can be various, such as a short break but still in the work room, out to the dugout (if provided), go briefly to the restroom to wash the face of cold water or make ablution for Muslims, and so on.
b. Relax and meditate. Relaxation and assimilation activities can be done at home at night or working holidays. By doing relaxation, employees can evoke feelings of relaxation and comfort. Thus employees who do relaxation are expected to transfer the ability to evoke feelings of relaxation into the company where they experience stressful situations. Some of the common ways of meditation is to close or close their eyes, eliminating
A disturbing thought, then slowly say a prayer.
c. Diet and fitness. Some ways that can be taken are to reduce the input or consumption of salt and foods containing fat, increase the consumption of vitamin foods such as fruits and vegetables, and do a lot of sports, such as running regularly, tennis, badminton, and so on (Baron & Greenberg in Margiati, 1999: 78).
2. Organizational Handling Strategies.
This strategy is designed by management to eliminate or control organizational-level pressure to prevent or reduce work stress for individual workers. Stress management through organization can be done by:
a. Create a supportive organizational climate.
Many large organizations today tend to formalize high bureaucratic structures.
by including inflexible, impersonal iktim. This can lead to serious work stress. A regulatory strategy might make the structure more decentralized and organic with participatory decision making and upward communication flow. Changes in structural structures and processes may create a more supportive climate for workers, give them more control over their work, and possibly prevent or reduce their work stress.
b. Enrich the design of tasks by enriching good work
by increasing the content factors of employment (such as responsibility, recognition, and opportunities for achievement, improvement, and growth) or by enhancing the characteristics of a central job such as skill variation, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and reciprocity may lead to motivational statements or bold experiences, responsibilities, knowledge of outcomes.
c. Reduce conflict and clarify organizational roles.
Conflict of role and obscurity are identified early as a primary individual suppressor. It refers to management to reduce conflict and clarify organizational roles so that the causes of this stress can be eliminated or mitigated. Each job has a clear and important expectation or an ambigious understanding of what he is doing. A specific role clarification strategy allows a person to take on a role of finding a note of expectations from each role sender. This record will then be compared to one's focal expectations, and many differences will be openly discussed to clarify vagueness and negoission to resolve conflicts.
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